F1RST Impact Day 2023
On November 27th, we celebrated the inaugural Impact Day for F1RST, founded by the Daniel Sachs Foundation and the Stockholm School of Economics. With a mission to tear down barriers to educational opportunities, F1RST empowers talents from underrepresented backgrounds, guiding them from their first career dreams in 8th grade to their first career moves post-university.
Hosted generously by the Bonnier family at Nedre Manilla, the evening was filled with a sense of community and collective accomplishment, bringing together corporate partners, schools, and our talent community.
The results from the first-year pilot project speak form themselves:
- >700 members mobilized
- 1,651 opportunities created
- 47 activities executed
- 34 job opportunities enabled
- 2 members enrolled at SSE
Gustav Badin honored with a memorial stone
In the presence of Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria and Vice Mayor of Stockholm Clara Lindblom, a memorial stone for Adolf Ludvig Gustav Fredrik Albrecht Couschi, known in his time as Gustav Badin, was unveiled on October 9th at Katarina Cemetery in Stockholm.
Couschi (ca. 1747–1822) was brought to Sweden as a child slave from the Danish colony of Saint Croix in the West Indies in 1760. He grew up at the royal court and became the adopted son of Queen Lovisa Ulrika. He became a well-known figure in Stockholm, counting Carl Michael Bellman among his friends, and he passed away as a free man in 1822.
He was buried at Katarina Cemetery but was never granted a tombstone. Yesterday, a memorial stone was finally placed in his honor, thanks to an initiative by Afrosvenskarnas Riksorganisation, in collaboration with Stockholm stad and the Katarina parish.
The Daniel Sachs Foundation had the honor of engaging and bringing together involved parties to turn the memorial stone into a reality and to share the story of Couschi with today’s world, a largely untold story of significant historical importance in Sweden.
Read more about the event here: https://www.svt.se/kultur/vaxte-upp-i-hovet-ligger-i-okand-grav–v9trxz